You are currently browsing the monthly archive for November 2011.

It’s primeval to accentuate things.
It’s more primeval to be underrated.
It’s definitely primeval to prolong asphyxiation
But not as primeval to linger adolescently.

the lies we tell
it is not deaf nor it is blind
furthermore it is not mute
its so hard to quell
the attraction hard to dispel

we may not comprehend
the latitude of such words
it finds its way
lingers in our hearts
hard for us to sway

we utter them
at our lowest ebbs
we believe in them
to hold ourself
we let them plague
to justify our insecurities

the lies we tell
they linger longer than they need
the lies we tell
they are our friends in need
the lies we tell
they fester in us till we sleep
the lies we tell
they will kill us indiscreet

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