You are currently browsing the monthly archive for February 2012.

So Chuck has ended after 5 seasons.

Can’t find the right words to describe. There was the funny, emotional, charming, ridiculous, inspiring moments all rolled into one damn good show.

It somehow gave hope to a geek that he’ll have an inspiring and exciting life. It gave hope that a geek can have someone like Sarah Walker in his life.

The series finale may not be what most hoped for. It was a cliffhanger of some sorts. But as what the series has taught us, it’s about believe. Believe that as long as we know that we are doing the right thing, with the right people, we’ll have the right ending.

What I’m believing now is that Sarah got her memories back, and raise a loving family with Chuck and they both go on to have a fruitful career together.

Chuck taught me to believe that there’s nothing one can do as long as they try their very best at it.

So thanks Chuck for all these years.

were there ever a moment where one feel they cease to exist? were there ever a moment where one feel they have been reborn? were there ever a moment where one seems to have found a sense of purpose?

those moments are always there. lingering within the stale air that we breathe in. those moments are momentarily yet permanent. those moments seems to engage explicitly yet withdraws itself excruciatingly. some flatters the occasion when it appears, others paints a bleak hour.

we toil and toil again. personifying our lost hopes and dreams. we toil and toil again, embarking on a road to recovery. paths have been opened when roads have been closed. yet it’s there, fleetingly exasperating.

sitting here on my dinner table, in this small cozy apartment i call mine. waiting for the laundry to finish. still haven’t bathe. still not hungry though the sun is falling from its peak. waiting for that fleeting moment, where all the opened paths is lighted by the nightingale.

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