You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2012.

I miss trekking through a jungle with only a survivial knife, print outs of the trek, a bottle of water, ciggies & snickers in tow.

I miss seeing a waterfall at the end of the trail. I miss trekking up till a looking point. Seeing as far as eyes can reach, over a valley where the dense jungle or lake brings out the kid in me. Hoping there would be some mystery I could explore and encounter. I guess my childhood dream of being Indiana Jones still persist strongly.

I miss sleeping under the stars & pondering bout things. The nature somehow brings me closer to God, marveling at how He created these sights of joy. I miss seeing the stars as I sleep, the dirt and sand all around me.

All alone with God. That’s how I feel when I’m with nature.

the “what the fuck am i doing?” or “what if i had done this or that differently” moment that makes you question your life.

it happens to the best of us. whilst in school, in university, at work or generally at some awkwardly-pulsating instances where the thought-balloon pops a question that takes you away from reality into a warped time and space conundrum that seems to lasts forever.

you question your existence. you question a lot of things. but you can’t seem to get the right answer to quell all those lingering notions. then it hits you. you need coffee.

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